Thursday, April 28, 2011

Sports & Leisure Classes Available

Rio das Ostras offers FREE public courses in various sports & leisure activities.

If you are interested, don't miss the opportunity. Registration is now open for various sports projects offered to the community.

Currently there are still openings in the classes for several activities and fitness programs, including Capoeira, athletics, sailing, Rio das Ostras in Motion, and Good Morning (with centers in Costazul, cidade Praiana, and lagoa de Iriry).
Photo courtesy of Rio das Ostras Jornal website

Those interested must apply in person at the Registration Section of the Department of Sport and Leisure, located in the Estádio do Operário building (show above), at Rua Francisco Ivanílson Guimarães de Barros in the bairro Operário Neighbourhood. The phone number is (22) 2771-8361. If you struggle with Portuguese, you might need a friend to call as I haven't found anyone there who speaks English. This office is not far from the Library and Teatro Popular.

Required Documentation for Children: photocopy of birth certificate and identity card (if any, passport will do), two 3cm x 4cm photos, school statement and medical certificate. For adults: photocopy of ID and CPF (if you have no CPF, like me, bring a copy of your spouse's card) proof of residence (a current bill with your name or your spouse's name on it), two 3cm x 4cm pictures and medical certificate. Your medical clearance should be no more than six months old.

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